When I was packing my glider, I noticed I was not seeing very clearly, and discovered the lens on one side of my glasses had fallen out. Bummer, as I really didn't want to spend the money for a new eye exam, and new glasses just yet. I figure if I am going to spend the money for a new set of glasses, I should probably get my eyes checked, as it has been two years since I last had my eyes checked. Oh well, its only money.
Before I decided to leave Iraq, I was considering doing a vacation to go fly paragliders. I was considering Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Bali. The first three choices were because I know people who live in those countries. Part of KBR's contract with their employees includes vacations and an allowance for airfare on those vacations. The only one I took was the one they give everyone who puts in a full year. I was on vacation for the first ten days after I got back. Their contract states that if you don't use the vacations, you don't get paid for them either. I figured if I left, I'd probably never go back, and I needed the money, so I didn't go. Also, I wanted to start back to A&P school in January, and wanted to be able to accumulate as much cash as possible. If I had done the two vacations that I could have done, I would have had to stay until January 3 before coming home. I figured the expense part of the vacations, allowed for the pay and airfare allowance, and think I would have not been in as good of financial condition if I had stayed til January 3, as I am in now, even though I came home two weeks ago. There is a man I know who works for DHL whose home is Pokhara, Nepal, which is one of the premier paragliding sites in Nepal. In case you didn't know, DHL has the contract with the US Military to move the mail by air into and out of Iraq. I usually saw this guy every day, as he operated the X Ray machine used to check the outgoing mail for non-mailable items. Maybe in a couple of years, I'll get to go to some of these places. One of the groups from India has what I think is a cool web site. The club name is Temple Pilots Association. They came up with their name because most of the Hindu and Buddhist Temples are built on high places, and the Temple Pilots, like most of us involved in foot launched flight, like to fly to high places! Their web address is: http://www.templepilots.com/
I still don't have any "in air" photos of me. This evening didn't work, as it was very overcast, and very close to sunset when I launched. I also knew it was going to be too light for me to have much time in the air to be able to try the camera to see if it could find enough light to work. Maybe next time.
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