The photo to the left here, is my friend Singa, who adopted me into his family. When I first met Singa, he had been assigned to serve Ice Cream at the DFAC for the day. He told me he thought I looked like someone from Mongolia, because of my facial features, and my jewelry. I've not met anyone from Mongolia yet, but current theory suggests the Native Americans came across the Bering Strait, and probably many would have originated in Mongolia. I've been told I appear to be Native American. When I was taking pictures of my friends, he told me he had a present for me, and gave me a Buddhist Prayer Shawl his family had given him as he was preparing to leave home to go work in Iraq. I was speechless, to say the least. I think the camera with the photo of Singa and I must have been over-exposed to the XRay machine during one of my passes thru Security at one of the airports I passed through on the way home. There will be some other photos that have similar red coloration on the edges.
This is (from left to right) Ganesh, Leslie, Me (duh) and Tikka! Leslie works in the KBR mailroom at Cob Speicher, and Tikka and Ganesh assist her in the process of getting the mail to the KBR employees. Leslie and I worked together in JMMT, until she was able to transfer away from JMMT into the KBR mailroom, which is part of the HR department at Speicher. She is the only person I know who was able to get away from JMMT without having to quit KBR to do it. They pick up the KBR mail at the Post Office, and take it to the KBR mailroom, sort it all, and make a list of the KBR employees who have mail. The list is then disseminated to all the departments of KBR sopeople will know they need to come pick up their mail.
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