Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Piano Player in New Zealand

I think I have all my projects done, and have about 15 minutes of "last minute packing" to do, and I will be ready to go to Houston to start orientation to go back to Iraq. When I was in Iraq before, I had started a blog, but immediately forgot the password, and never posted to it. I have decided to use it for the stories I will have when I am "off base", and use this blog for stories of "inside the wire". I have a link to it in the links section. The blog is and the link I have listed is for A Piano Player in New Zealand. The title of this post is not to be confused with the link. I have a little story about what I will be doing with the blog, and another little blurb about someone else who claims "piano player in a brothel" as their occupation. According to blogger, he is the only other person who has a blog, claiming that occupation other than me. AS most of you know, I have been using that phrase in various places for quite some time, even before I went to Iraq. I added the NZ part when I went over there. Photos may be scarce for a while. Thanks for all your support.
Smooth Air, Long Flights, and Soft Landings,

1 comment:

sandy said...

Dear Mike,

Sorry I missed you when I passed thru your town last! We missed you at King.
Please do take care of yourself in NZ, I hear it's a rough place with all them wild sheep and other goings on. Keep your piano well-tuned. I'm sure we'll meet again when you get back.

- Hawaii bagwing, wanna-be pipe-fitter and Lead-sled's new main squeeze ;-)