Monday, April 2, 2007

Shiprock, or Rock with Wings

I took these photos of Shiprock, near Shiprock, NM on the way to Laredo, TX a couple of weeks ago. Shiprock is located in North Western New Mexico, about 6 miles Southwest of its namesake. In the top photo, you can see the telephone wires in the foreground. One of these years I will go back to some of the places I visited
when I have time to be able to stop and get better photos. I probably have photos of Shiprock somewhere, as I have been visiting this site for many years.

Members of the Sierra Club first climbed Shiprock in 1939, which did not sit well with the Navajo Nation, as Shiprock is a sacred site to them.

According to information I found at: and at: the early Anglo-Americans called it Shiprock because of its resemblance to the Clipper sailing ships of the time. The Navajo Indians called it Rock With Wings. There are a couple of other smaller formations south of Shiprock itself, but there were no places for me to stop in the truck to take photos. I came back thru here going North last week, and there was one area where all three formations were visible. I was wanting to pull over to take another photo, but the truck isn't small or light enough to be able to park off the narrow shoulder for a photo opportunity.

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