This is "Oregon" Steve Siebel on his first trip to Ben Lomand Peak. The drive up was an hour and a half of dirt road. When we got there, Steve was wondering what he had gotten himself into. You can see the "Intimidator" in the center of the photo. I had warned him about it beforehand, and told him it really is not a problem, but due to its size it really looks intimidating. It is about three-fourths of a mile out there to it.

These two photos are of some mountain goats we shared the ridge with. They didn't seem to be bothered by us. I flew over them later, probably three hundred feet above them, and they didn't seem to pay any attention.

This is a shot after we all landed with the "Intimidator" and launch in the background. I had launched first, followed by Oregon Steve, then by Crazee Mike. I flew for an hour total, getting about thirteen hundred feet above launch. I could see Logan, Eden, Brighan City, and Ogden all at the same time. This was the best ridge lift I have ever flown, as I could get nearly a mile out in front of the top of the ridge, and thirteen hundred feet above the top, and still was in good smooth lift. It took me twenty minutes to get from the high point to the LZ I chose. I probably traveled three or four miles up and down the ridge sightseeing. The LZ I chose was a freshly plowed alfalfa field, which was not as good a choice as the freshly cut alfalfa field next to it would have been. When I landed, what little wind there was, was behind me, and I couldn't run the landing out fast tenough to keep from putting the nose of my glider in the dirt, and bent a down tube. When Mike landed next, he landed in the cut field, and did better, having a two mph headwind. Steve landed in the plowed field, but he also had about a two mph headwind, when he landed. I flew for an hour total as I mentioned earlier, Steve flew two hours, and Mike flew an hour and forty five minutes. It was a good day, in spite of my bent down tube.

This is a shot I took before sunset, after we had packed everything up.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing another one of your great adventures, Mike! Every flight is just "like a box of chocolates!"
Which one of the 2 big rocks (as seen from your LZ) is "the Intimidator - the one on the left (north) or right (south)?
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