I got to fly this morning for the 3rd day in a row. A record for me in the last two years! And I just realized the 3 days were at 3 different sites! Paul Voight from New York graciously gave me a shirt from a "fly-in" they had in 2004 at Ellenville, NY, and it came yesterday. The shirt is Pink with Blue screening on it, and matches my glider! I wore it today, and it was great. I got to the South side late, and John and Guy Lindbergh were still flying, and it was starting to get a little rowdy. I started setting up my glider and the wind was strong enough I couldn't get the sail tensioned. I started to pack up, and decided to wait a few minutes before putting the bags back on the glider. The breeze eased up, I moved the glider 20 feet farther back from the edge of the hill, and turned it sideways. I re-started the set up process, and within ten minutes I was ready to get my harness out, hook in and fly. I launched, and flew for about twenty minutes. For the first few minutes of the flight, there was a red tailed hawk in the air with me. It seemed like he was spotting the thermals for me. A few minutes later, there was the same hawk, and I think a Kestrel. A few minutes later, there were two red-tailed hawks in the air with me. I have been able to fly a few times when one of the "Locals" was the only other one in the air with me, but this was the first time I had ever flown with two of them. It was really special to have been in the air with three different locals, with both combinations of two of them in the air with me. As I was starting to drive away, I got a phone call about a job possibility, that will be acceptable pay, and also have the possibility of starting to work tomorrow. If it works, the next several months, I will be working six days a week, but the extra money will help things out.
All in all, a GOOD day!!!
Did the interview for the job, and I think it will work well for me. I'll be driving a dump truck, and will be starting on the evening shift, working from 4:30 pm til 2 am, which actually works good for me. I have difficulty getting up four cracks before dawn if I'm going to go do something important, like flying, and sure enough don't to want to get up that early to do something like work! The owners of the company, Tom and his wife Joanna seem like good people, and I think I will enjoy them. Joanna is interested in trikes, so we might be able to get someone interested in aerotowing us!!! Things continue to look up!!!
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