It has started snowing, and there is about 2 inches on the ground already. I finished the EagleFeather glider bag last nite, and have my glider on the Hajjimobile ready to head to Oklahoma. I still need to do some "honeydos" and put bike mounts on the top rack of the Hajjimobile, as I am taking both my solo bikes and the tandem (bicycle) as well as my NorthWing T2 glider with me to Oklahoma.
In case you are wondering about how I came up with the name of Hajjimobile for my car, it is because a Hajji is: "One who has made the Pilgrimage to Mecca", and the Hajjimobile has made the pilgrimage to one of HangGliding's Mecca's, namely, The Point of the Mountain, Utah. If I offend anyone with my car's name, I have two words for you: lighten up.
I'll park the tandem at Linda's sister's house, and take the solo bikes and my hang gliding harness and related paraphenalia with me in the truck. I hope to get back to riding at least every other day, and hopefully will be able to get some flight time occasionally in Florida while I am on the road, and in Oklahoma when the truck goes thru the shop for regular service. This is a photo I took this morning before I put the bike mounts and bike rack on.
In case you are wondering about how I came up with the name of Hajjimobile for my car, it is because a Hajji is: "One who has made the Pilgrimage to Mecca", and the Hajjimobile has made the pilgrimage to one of HangGliding's Mecca's, namely, The Point of the Mountain, Utah. If I offend anyone with my car's name, I have two words for you: lighten up.
I'll park the tandem at Linda's sister's house, and take the solo bikes and my hang gliding harness and related paraphenalia with me in the truck. I hope to get back to riding at least every other day, and hopefully will be able to get some flight time occasionally in Florida while I am on the road, and in Oklahoma when the truck goes thru the shop for regular service. This is a photo I took this morning before I put the bike mounts and bike rack on.
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