This is the view from the front seat of the kayak looking South shortly after we launched at Smith-Moorehouse lake South of Oakley, UT on Sunday July 19, 2009. After we rounded the point ahead and to the left, we saw some people with their dogs. The dogs seemed to be having a good time.
These two dogs were arguing about who could carry the stick back to the shore. The golden colored dog would go fetch the stick, and sometimes the black dog would decide to try to take the stick away from the golden dog. The black dog wouldn't go fetch the stick unless the golden dog went first.
This is the view looking South again after we passed the dogs. The haze in the distance wasn't as evident until I saw the photos. From this position it is about 1.3 kilometers to the end of the lake.
This view is after we rounded the South end of the lake, and had turned back North. From this position, it is about 1.6 kilometers to the dam (the thin light brown horizontal line even with the top of the boat). The boat is about one half kilometer away from us. I was definitely looking at the slopes in the distance as a possibility of launching my paraglider.
This little waterfall is about six inches across at the bottom where it feeds into the lake. There was another smaller waterfall about two meters away from this one. It really sounded nice. Too bad the shores along the lake are too steep to be able to camp alongside the lake. All the camping areas are either above the lake or below it. We checked out the ones above the lake, and there are several that are next to the larger streams that feed the lake. They would be nice to listen to while going to sleep.
This is an eagle's nest about thirty meters up in a dead tree. You can see the head of one of the parents on the left, and the head of the chick on the right. There were quite a few crows or ravens in the area, and we think the parents were taking turns staying with the chick to keep the crows from getting the chick. We never saw the eagles "change the guard."
We stopped here about thirty meters past the eagle's nest and had our picnic lunch. You can see more of our kayak in this photo.
This crane was perched in this pine tree. It had been in a different tree, and moved to this one, a little higher off the ground as we got near it. The photo is a little fuzzy, and I don't know why. I think I was trying to change the exposure setting on the camera by putting my hand in front of the part of the camera that determines the focal length and the exposure setting.
We stopped at the dam, and I got out to look at the spillway. Linda is steadying the kayak. This picture was done before the one that should be at the end,m but is at the first of this post.