I noticed on November 14 that I had started this post on my birthday. I spent my 58th and 59th birthdays in Iraq.

Sunday October 19, 2008, I decided 366 days in Iraq was enough. It is now early Tuesday morning here, and as I contemplate now being 59 years old, I am still glad I made the decision to leave here. My gliders have been sitting idle for too long. Linda is more than OK with me leaving here, even though I didn't take care of all the financial goals I had originally intended. I had a few distractions along the way, that offset the original goals, or I would have made them. I guess when one wants to be a philanthropist when one grows up, one must make some sacrifices. I broke down and bought a couple of throw away cameras, and will use all 54 pics before I leave here. I'll have them developed when I get home, and post the ones I like. There will be one of the stadium across from the post office where Sadam shot his Olympic soccer team, as well as some of my friends over here. If you happen to notice the pics of my friends consist of people from Uganda, Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, a few soldiers, and a very few civilians, you are observant. These people are the ones who shared their strength with me. Without them, I don't think I would have been able to do a leap year in Iraq, without leaving or going ballistic. I went postal last December, and crazy when they moved me to section 8 last March or April, and regained my sanity when I decided a leap year in Iraq was enough. I'll even take a photo of my room and post it, complete with the window with a view, courtesy of OB1. When you see the pic of my quarters, you will understand about the window with a view. later, GliderMike